Auditorium Storage

November 14, 2024
Lift and store cage 3

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Are you a facilities manager for an Auditorium and you need more storage? In that case – read on!!


Auditorium spaces are designed to accommodate large audiences. As such, they tend to have wide spans and are often multiple-stories high in order to accommodate seating, sightlines, and acoustical requirements.

In addition, these spaces often have unique shaped storage rooms, so how do you best create sufficient storage? In one example, because adjacent spaces were two stories high, the storage rooms were also two stories high and very narrow. The project architects recommended the use of a Lift and Store storage system in order to take full advantage of the available vertical space. With a long, narrow room a traditional mezzanine system does not work. The Lift and Store solution allowed the facility manager to almost double the available storage space in order to accommodate two types of tables, a portable stage, and audio-visual equipment, all with easy accessibility.

Our unique storage solutions can be designed with movable lifts, each capable of holding thousands of pounds of tables, chairs and other equipment. The Lift and Store system provides a safe way to store heavy items adjacent to the auditorium, and allows faster change-overs for different auditorium set-ups than if the furniture was stored in another part of the building.

Advantages of Overhead Storage

There are several advantages to having a lift and storage rack in your building. Whether you are storing away clothing, sports equipment, or boxes of seasonal items, these innovations in adjustable ceiling storage racks make overhead storage practical.

1. Customized Solutions
One-size-fits-all storage systems don’t solve your unique problems, which is why finding customized overhead solutions is crucial. That’s why Lift and Store offers high-quality setups that fit your needs. Whether your space is better suited for our wall-mounted or ceiling mount lifts, we work with you to ensure your overhead storage system works for you.

2. High Weight Capacity
Another significant factor that comes into play when assessing overhead storage systems is the weight of the items you plan to store. It’s important to know if your storage lift can handle heavy storage bins or machinery.
Lift and Store machines have been lifting heavy objects for over 28 years. Recently, we developed a new standard machine for those with lighter weight inventory. If you are looking to store something like light weight items or costumes, the standard lift is best suited for you. However, our heavy-duty lifts are equipped with heavy-duty motors and control bots. They are recommended for anything over 600 pounds but can lift anywhere from 1,000 to 4,000 pounds, depending on the motor’s size. No matter what your storage looks like, we can help you make the most of your overhead ceiling space without disturbing your existing shelving.

3. Durability and Affordability
Last but not least, the cost of your overhead storage system needs to be viable for your business. Durability and affordability are both crucial aspects to consider when assessing an overhead lift.
Lift and Store systems are designed with your specifications in mind. During your initial consultation, our specialists will help you determine the most cost-effective setup for your business. Regardless of your space’s shape or size, we can custom build a machine that fits your needs and budget.

With more innovations coming every day, an overhead storage system is an investment that pays for itself. If you’re ready to maximize your storage capacity, improve safety, and reduce your operating costs, consider reaching out to us today to request a quote and start reaching new levels of organization and efficiency!