Visible Museum Storage

May 20, 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are you a museum curator or gallery owner and need to set up a new display?  Our products are designed to store and display your collections.   Our staff will help to create storage solutions that protect museum collections while also promoting accessibility and visibility.


Storing and displaying an artist-built environment presents unique challenges.  Sometimes artists will create a large-scale environment that they intend to be experienced as a whole rather than one piece at a time.

For example, one collection includes a house covered in glitter, a complex work of sculpture that the artist believed had healing properties, and an artist’s yard that was populated by sculptures made out of concrete and found objects. Many of the objects now featured were formerly stored at an underground storage facility and in off-site warehouses. The purpose of the project was to consolidate these works under one roof, make them more accessible, and display them in a way that would give scholars and casual visitors a more complete sense of the environments created by the artists. We can provide visible storage that creates an immersive environment while also protecting collections.


If your design team wants, the building and the storage space itself can reflect the artists’ creativity. For example, if the building is constructed of materials that many artists use in their work, like stone, wood, and concrete, we can put covers on the storage systems that blend in with those natural materials.

In one case, the design team worked with Spacesaver’s engineers to design creative visible storage solutions throughout the facility.  Art racks were located to form “walls” to create an immersive experience and also allow staff to instantly change out works on exhibit.  Drawers and trays store small items close to artists’ other works.  Flat-file cabinets will preserve and organize small objects and works on paper.  A small compact system is designed to accommodate future acquisitions. Spacesaver can create solutions that reflect a storage aesthetic, but that also protect the art in ways that would not be needed in a back storage room.   Custom display cabinets protect items on display and incorporate additional storage and lighting within each unit.

Casual visitors can view a selection of the artists’ works in display cabinets, while other work is in closed cabinets where it can be seen by scholars and members of the general public by appointment,  We can help create an engaging, dynamic facility with room to grow.


Do you have a creative idea for visible storage? Spacesaver’s robust engineering teams and custom manufacturing capabilities can help make your vision a reality. Contact us to learn more about how your in-house teams can partner with us to optimize space while also promoting visibility and protecting collections for generations to come.