Overhead artrack ko 737df51936

Overhead Supported Rack

Overhead-Supported Art Racks

The hanging art and artifacts you store are one-of-a-kind. As such, the solutions used to preserve them should allow for creating a secure and customized fit. Spacesaver’s Hang-Glider Pro® provides an innovative method for institutions to safely store, access, organize, and protect framed art and cultural artifacts especially those of larger sizes.

Overhead artrack ko 737df51936

Smooth Operation from (Over)Head to Toe

Featuring an overhead track and precision frictionless roller bearing trolley system that work in unison to provide smooth guidance and minimal vibration, Spacesaver’s overhead-supported pull-out art racks keep more pieces securely in place and in view of patrons.

Protection is further enhanced with a unique anti-sway guide wheel mounted at the front base of each panel, as well as a floor-anchored guide mechanism at the rear, working in tandem to virtually eliminate screen sway and vibration.

Storage panel deceleration is controlled by Spacesaver’s unique braking device, which slows panel motion during the last 15″ (385 mm) of movement in either direction. This dvice protects materials during panel operation by reducing the likelihood of jarring stops.

Art Rack Comparison

Need a different style art rack for your specific application? Please see the other options in our comprehensive art storage solution set.

Welded wire screenX
Triangle punched screenX
Punched screensXXXXX
Woven wire screenXXXXX
In-floor rail guidance requiredXXX
Ceiling guidance requiredXX
Unistrut required (sourced by distributor)XX
Easily relocatedXX
Modes of operationManual, Mechanical Assist, PoweredManualNAManual, Mechanical AssistManualManual

Note: client is responsible for consulting with architect and/or structural engineer to ensure building’s capability of supporting loads imposed by storage systems.

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