Rationalization, cost-cutting, efficiency: these are all demands that modern-day storage organizations must meet!
In 1953 Gerhard Hänel founded the office equipment company ‘Hänel Bürosysteme’. By 1957 Hänel was series-producing filing carousels based on the Ferris wheel principle – the first manufacturer in Europe to do so.
Today Rotomat® carousels and Hänel Lean-Lifts® are produced in three manufacturing plants – and exported worldwide. Hänel has distributors in over 60 countries across the globe.
Innovation and performance, dynamics and ideas, new technologies and team spirit have made Hänel one the leading providers of storage and organization systems.
With the Hänel Rotomat® storage carousel, we offer a flexible storage and provisioning system that adapts optimally to your needs.
The Hänel Rotomat® storage carousel makes use of the available room height and creates up to 60 % more storage capacity thanks to its compact design. This means costly warehousing space can be used more efficiently.
The Hänel Rotomat® storage carousel brings the required parts to the retrieval area in just a few seconds.
No more bending, ladder-climbing or walking long distances to search for and store parts or articles. The required items are brought automatically to the optimum ergonomic retrieval height.
It goes without saying that production at our three plants meets the latest environmental guidelines. Only environmentally friendly, recyclable materials are used.
With the intelligent energy management feature Hänel EcoMode®, the Hänel storage systems can be switched to different standby modes. This allows energy consumption to be reduced to a minimum.
If you want to improve your intralogistics concept and reduce costs, you should talk to the specialists at Hänel first. They will work with you to develop your own ‘tailormade intralogistics concept’.