
Wire Partitions and Cages

Tool Cribs & Equipment Cages

Construct wire mesh Tool Cribs from modular sized panels for controlled access and distribution of facility tools and equipment

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Holding Cells

Law enforcement officials use wire partition system to build secure prisoner holding cells in correctional and detention centers across the country.

DEA Cages

DEA Drug Storage application is ideally suited for pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, medical facilities, distribution centers, record storage, drug warehouses, and much more.

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Data Server Cages

Server Cages are perfect for securing and separating network servers and expensive computer equipment. System is easy to reconfigure as needs change.

Evidence Enclosures

Control access to property room inventory while keeping it in plain sight.


Driver Cages

Even as companies move toward digitalization, almost every business has some degree of physical file storage. As files accumulate, however, it can be difficult to find a central location to store them. Bi-file and tri-file office storage solutions maximize file storage capacity by placing two rows of filing equipment in nearly the same footprint using a movable rail and carriage system.

Garage Lockers

Need to store individual care related supplies, we have the answer for you.

Server cage to keep your servers secure from physical access

Wire Mesh cages keeping servers physically secure


Extra security measure

Small Storage Locker

Storage locker that will not restrict air flow

Driver Cage Stockroom
Driver cage stockroom
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Batch Storage for Pharma Manufacturing
November 15, 2024
Simulation Center Storage
November 15, 2024