Wire mesh lockers and cages are a truly universal solution for storage, no matter where you go or what the application. The largest military bases in the world rely on wire mesh lockers to store uniforms and gear for readiness, while apartments and condos use the same units to give their tenants extra places to keep their bicycles and seasonal decorations. Sports teams also utilize them in locker rooms for equipment, or they can be hung from garages of apartment buildings – maximizing storage capabilities without taking up extra space.
The best part about wire mesh is that it provides air circulation, light permeation, as well as heat flow – so you don’t have to worry about obstructing fire suppression systems! Plus these panels are made with super strong welded wire designs that are welded into an angle frame – so they’ll last through years of regular use. So when storage is tight but necessary, know that wire mesh storage is always there to provide maximum utility!
Wire mesh storage lockers have an infinite number of applications. TA-50 lockers are used in the largest military bases in the world to provide storage for military readiness gear and uniforms. Apartments and condos nationwide rely on tenant storage lockers to offer space for their residents to secure items from bicycles to seasonal decorations.
For apartment and condo storage needs, why not get creative with Beast Wire’s mesh storage lockers? Configured to fit basements, garages and common area rooms of a cooperative, these multi-functional storage solutions can even be used by local sports teams for their locker rooms!
Beast Wire mesh lockers are the ideal choice when space is tight. In comparison to solid lockers, they provide optimal ventilation without compromising fire safety systems. Each panel boasts welded wire mesh with an angle frame design that ensures maximum strength and resilience.
Driver access cages are the perfect solution to make sure your company, visitors, vendors and any other warehouse or building personnel stay safe. Truck drivers, delivery people, and other non-employees who enter your facility can be an insurance risk – so keep them out of areas with active fork truck traffic and automated machinery work cells.
No need for your guests to wander around in search of someone to sign a ticket or a restroom – driver access cages will protect both you and your inventory from potential accidents by restricting building access to trained employees only. Plus, it’s a great way to lock up all of those expensive pieces of equipment – keeping the honest man honest!